music released in 1996


singles released or popular in 1996

ranked by popular vote
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#1 “Stupid Girl” by Garbage (with 31609 votes)

#2 “Spiderwebs (official video)” by No Doubt (with 30092 votes)

#3 “You Oughta Know (official video)” by Alanis Morissette (with 25063 votes)

#4 “Un-Break My Heart (official video)” by Toni Braxton (with 23589 votes)

#5 “Ironic (official video)” by Alanis Morissette (with 21120 votes)

#6 “Macarena (Bayside Boys Mix) (official video)” by Los Del Rio (with 20105 votes)

#7 “You Were Meant for Me (official video)” by Jewel (with 19053 votes)

#8 “One Sweet Day (official video)” by Mariah Carey & Boyz II Men (with 17219 votes)

#9 “Champagne Supernova” by Oasis (with 16783 votes)

#10 “Six Strings Down” by Jimmie Vaughan (with 15486 votes)

#11 “Hand In My Pocket” by Alanis Morissette (with 14183 votes)

#12 “Gangsta’s Paradise (official video)” by Coolio featuring L.V. (with 12723 votes)

#13 “Zero” by Smashing Pumpkins (with 11609 votes)

#14 “Hounds of Winter” by Sting (with 5543 votes)

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1995 1997

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