music released in 2007


singles released or popular in 2007

ranked by popular vote
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#1 “Rehab (official video)” by Amy Winehouse (with 32194 votes)

#2 “Working Class Hero (official video)” by Green Day (with 31603 votes)

#3 “Crossroads (live)” by Eric Clapton & Stevie Winwood (with 31298 votes)

#4 “Umbrella (official video)” by Rihanna featuring Jay-Z (with 27738 votes)

#5 “The Pretender (official video)” by Foo Fighters (with 23423 votes)

#6 “Crazy (official video)” by Gnarls Barkley (with 21516 votes)

#7 “Candyman (official video)” by Christina Aguilera (with 21196 votes)

#8 “Low (official video)” by Flo Rida featuring T-Pain (with 18863 votes)

#9 “No One (official video)” by Alicia Keys (with 16968 votes)

#10 “Apologize (official video)” by Timbaland featuring OneRepublic (with 15364 votes)

#11 “Thinking About You (official video)” by Norah Jones (with 12696 votes)

#12 “Stompbox” by the Qemists (with 11657 votes)

#13 “This Ain’t A Scene, It’s An Arms Race (official video)” by Fall Out Boy (with 10544 votes)

#14 “The Missing Frame” by AFI (with 7576 votes)

#15 “Starlight” by Muse (with 6804 votes)

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2006 2008

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