New Age musicians

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Google now has 13 New Age songs

“Genesis” by Grimes [play song]
“Guydion” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
“Holocene (official video)” by Bon Iver [play song]
“Katinka” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
“La Femme D’argent” by Air [play song]
“Nocturnal (Redux)” by Unkle [play song]
“Snowflake” by Kate Bush [play song]
“The helical model - our Galaxy is a vortex” by DjSadhu [play song]
“The helical model - our solar system is a vortex” by DjSadhu [play song]
“The Lady In My Life” by George Benson [play song]
“The Promise” by Secret Garden [play song]
“Water From The Same Source” by Rachel’s [play song]
“What Makes You Beautiful” by the Piano Guys [play song] now has 13 New Age songs

#1 - 31192 votes for “Holocene (official video)” by Bon Iver [play song]
#2 - 27544 votes for “The Lady In My Life” by George Benson [play song]
#3 - 18548 votes for “Genesis” by Grimes [play song]
#4 - 18081 votes for “What Makes You Beautiful” by the Piano Guys [play song]
#5 - 16877 votes for “Nocturnal (Redux)” by Unkle [play song]
#6 - 15591 votes for “Guydion” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#7 - 15213 votes for “Katinka” by This Side of Sanity [play song]
#8 - 14260 votes for “La Femme D’argent” by Air [play song]
#9 - 12113 votes for “Snowflake” by Kate Bush [play song]
#10 - 10243 votes for “Water From The Same Source” by Rachel’s [play song]
#11 - 8655 votes for “The Promise” by Secret Garden [play song]
#12 - 6974 votes for “The helical model - our Galaxy is a vortex” by DjSadhu [play song]
#13 - 6847 votes for “The helical model - our solar system is a vortex” by DjSadhu [play song]