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    Suggestion: You can find songs that others are playing by looking at their play lists (“view friend’s play lists”).

    There is a long list of songs (including the Hot 100) at (“easy add”) that you can just click to add.

    If you don’t have any friends with play lists, you can take a look at the play lists for the genre channels.

    You can also go to YouTube and find new (or old) songs for yourself.

    You need the YouTube URL (or code, but we can get the code out of the URL for you), the name of the song, the name of the artist, and the length of the song (either in seconds or in minutes:seconds).

    Copy and paste those for items into the “advanced add song” form, along with your personal comments on the song.

Instructions for adding the Music Box to your web page

    Note: You do not have to add anything to any web page. You can run the player from this web site. This is a special option for those who want to put their own copy of this music player onto their own web site.

    To play from this web site (rather than your own), add at least three songs and then play.

    It is simple and easy to add the Music Box onto any of your web pages. Just copy and paste the following HTML code into the spot where you want the Music Box to be. Where it says “NAME”, change NAME ot your name (or web site name) as a single word with only the use of Upper Case Letters, lower case letters, and numeric digits (no punctuation, spaces, or other characters).

<p align="center"> <iframe height="600" width="810" frameborder scrolling src=""> </iframe> </p>

    This will work for most modern web browsers on Windows, Macintosh, Linux, and the various Unix OSes. It will also work for Google Android phones. It will not work for iPhone or Windows phones or iPads. Unknown for Blackberry and other phones. Unknown for other tablets.

    If you don’t have your own web site, click on this page and then copy and paste the entire web page into a text editor and save as plain text only and then drag the file into your web browser.


Follow events and other music information at Twitter.

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    If you spot an error in fact, grammar, syntax, or spelling, or a broken link, or have additional information, commentary, or constructive criticism, please contact Milo at PO Box 5237, Balboa Island, Calif, 92662, USA.

    Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Milo. All rights reserved. Todos Derechos Reservados. The copyrights on all source code and the data base belong to Milo and are used on this web site by permission.