A to Y Productions summary information

label: A to Y Productions
address: PO Box 5766
city: Irvine
state: California
zip code: 92612
phone: 949-975-0791
e-mail: skaparade@aol.com
web site: www.skaparade.com
genres: ska, punk, emo, indie rock, swing, funk, hip-hop, AAA, oi, power pop, reggae, world


contact for unsigned musicians

Tazy Phyllipz, President
CDs preferred

artists currently or previously on A to Y Productions

music released by A to Y Productions

singles released by A to Y Productions

albums released by A to Y Productions

song information

Apple Store
Sheet Music Plus Featured Sale Collectors' Choice Music SonyMusicStore.com TimeLife.com Woodwind & Brasswind


music | poetry | art  | Goddess stories | essays | politics | humor | Dianic Witchcraft

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