This Side of Sanity



call for submissions is accepting open submissions of original artwork. Your act of submission indicates your agreement with the following:

    You may optionally provide your name (or pseudonym), e-mail address, web site title, and/or web site URL to be included with your artwork. If you include an e-mail address, we strongly recommend that you use a free account rather than your normal account so that you can easily drop the e-mail account if any cyber-stalking or spamming occurs. You may optionally provide a short biography and/or jpeg photograph (but does not guarantee that either will be used on the site).

    Send a preview jpeg of your artwork at no more than 50K per day total. If your artwork is selected for the web site, you will be contacted with instructions on how to submit a better quality version of your art work. Anyone who violates the 50K per day limit will be banned.

    Send your submissions to Please indicate that you are making a “ThisSideofSanity Art Submission” in the subject line. Remember that the act of making a submission indicates your agreement to the above terms.

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music | poetry | art  | Goddess stories | essays | politics | humor | Dianic Witchcraft

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web zine sponsored by
California Sound StudiosSexy English