
primary skill: female vocals
additional skills: Songwriter - Composer/Lyricist, Producer, Other
genre: Latin
also: Adult Album Alt (Triple A), Dance, Trip Hop
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signed to: unsigned
major influences: Ella Fitzgerald, Marc Anthony, Madonna
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    Vulnerable — the five-track demo by artist Elaine “Mercedes” — is an amazing body of work. The overall theme is love—and anyone paying close attention to the lyrics will quickly identify with Mercedes’s true recounts of love and perhaps relate it to their own. Each song explains the different advancement stages of the artist Elaine “Mercedes.”

    Since “love” is a Universal theme, she hopes that listeners can learn a positive message through her songs. “Porque” is about the “pathetic” side of being in love. It is when we ask ourselves “Why Won’t You Love Me” instead of realizing to “Please love yourself.” It is a pop/house song and the dub mix is for clubs and DJ’s to play. The second song, “La Posibilidad”, is about the romantic and fantasy side to being in love. It is the “Possibility” that keeps us enslaved. “La Posibilidad” of what “could be” instead of what really is. It is in a salsa style. Finally, ”Run or Stay” This trip-hop dandy backed by melancholic strings speaks to the reality that sometimes we must love ourselves first and loving someone that is not good for us may jeopardize just that. In that situation we must say goodbye for our own good. This is the more empowering and realistic side of love. The Re-make of Juan Gabriel’s “Que Te Vaz”, she changed into a different story and created an English version inspired by the original song. In this version, Mercedes touches the confused emotions when we must leave someone that has cheated on us. She hopes to capture these feelings and to realize that the one cheated on is not a victim. They have let go of something negative for a better life and to find someone more deserving. “Adios amor” is a relief instead of a sad statement. Although these songs are different in style and language, it shows the crossover appeal that the artist “Mercedes” has. Although her Latin style has won the reviews of listeners, she loves music in general. She works to improve as a person and therefore, will also improve as a musician and lyricist.


    Born in Venezuela, Elaine “Mercedes” moved to the United States as a young girl. She combines her diverse cultural backgrounds in many ways. Her music brings a fresh mix of the house beat she enjoys while clubbing in New York City, her eloquent native Spanish language and sensible American upbringing together or sometimes isolated in her work.

    “Porque” flows with a Pop essence overflowing with a distilled influence of an underground electronica mix.

    Although classically trained, “Mercedes” is able to allow her voice to perform in many different vocal styles including pop, dance, trip-hop, and salsa. While heeding the advice of several producers, and taking advantage of her Latin passion, Mercedes has lyricized the traditional salsa sound with her recent single “La Posibilidad” In addition, as the artist grows, her songs go from “Why Won’t You Love Me” to the empowering “Run or Stay.”

    As a creative artist, she writes her own lyrics and often the melody they are set to. As a trained actress and singer she shows her strength and willingness to be versatile. On her demo “Vulnerable” she showcases her original songs synthesizing her ambition, inspiration, and magical musical talents.

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This Side of Sanity


female vocalist listings

    Free capsule summary web pages for independent bands and solo acts. Send your basic information (name, e-mail, phone, mailing address, website, instrument(s), style/genre, general location/country, etc.) to Keep total text information under 12K and limit of a single JPEG or GIF attachment (smaller than 23k). This is all done by hand, so please be patient on listings being added.

    Also, after I find a reliable service, I will be resuming the internet radio station — so feel free to submit CDs, PO Box 1361, Tustin, Calif, 92781, USA.

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